March 5, 2008

one week with gracie

Today has officially been a week since we had gracie home. Each and every day she is growing more and more. Its really amazing to see how hard she tries. She gets so proud of herself when she does something. Last night i had the hardest time sleeping. i didnt go to sleep till around 4:30am. I woke up at 10ish so im pretty tired right about now. I went job hunting today and failed terribly. thats my least favorite thing in the world to do- job hunting i mean..not failing..ive gotten used to failing. Tomorrow the hunt continues, but im running out of places to look.

Gabriella runs over to the back door everyday when she comes home from school to see Gracie. She is so excited to be an older cousin. I tried to explain to her that when she was this age, we all did the same thing. She says she remembers but i doubt that.

I saw Keith and Kims blog and that baby Sadie Wen had a boppy seat and i thought gracie should get one, so i went to babies r us to get one. Poor little dear doesnt really know how to use it. She slinks down onto her back and throws her head back. She will get the hang of it soon. I also bought her some plastic little bongos that play music. Her big drummer cousin julie would be so proud.

a true italian baby is ready to eat at any moment. look at that face.

March 1, 2008

a video for the baybee

I was up since 5:30am. I got bored and decided to use my creative energy for this video.