November 1, 2008

gracie first halloween

Yesterday when i went to sleep i said to myself, if i died tonight i would have just lived the best day. I was so filled with joy yesterday. It was gracies first Halloween. I had to watch her during the day because mom and dad had to get figer printed again for lilly. I can tell lilly is on her way. Everywhere we look there are ladybugs. It was kind of a joke, but kind of serious with grace, that whenever we saw ladybugs we would say "gracie is coming soon because i saw a ladybug today" and we saw 2 today and yesterday. Anyway gracie never had a nap yesterday, and in our town you could only trick or treat from 6-8pm, so by the time that rolled around, she was very tired and grouchy.She made it to a couple houses around the block but she basically fell asleep with a kitkat in her hand. Gabriella and Gianna were so excited the whole day to put on their costumes. Gab was an angel, she kept saying she wanted to fly away, and GiGi was a mermaid. Gracie was a lion, but she kept trying to take the hood off. She wasnt too pleased. I had fun walking around with them..they get scared very easily. The first scary mask they saw they said "we're done, lets go home" so we were only out for a half hour. Either way they got a good amount of candy. The night ended with pizza and laughs (and some politics on account of bill O'Riley and fox news)I was just so happy at the end of the day.