August 13, 2008

6 month reflection

Its strange to think that 2 weeks...14 days, could change my life in so many ways. Tomorrow will be 6 months to the day that we were in china. 6 months and it still is with me. I feel like i just got back yesterday. When i close my eyes i can be there. 6 months and my thoughts, feelings, emotions all come flooding back. A place that i knew nothing about, yet i was so touched by the people and places i saw. Now espcially with the olympics going on, it just makes me want to go back to China more. Its so funny how, before the trip i had no disaire to go there. I have been bitten by the travel bug in 2005 on my first missions trip, and since then i've wanted to travel, but never to China. Since i've been back-6 months, i think about it almost everyday.

Wether it be the experience, the people i was with, the emotional event that made me even GO on the trip, either way, i want to go back. I will go back. One trip changed the course of my future.

I changed my major to social work. I want to make a difference in one persons life. The more i think about it, the more i dont want to go back to school, and just go to china to work in an orphanage. There are so many babies like gracie who need to be talked to, touched, loved. If more people can have a life changing trip as i did, maybe there would be less orphans in the world, or even more help in overseas orphanages.

I've kind of had mixed feelings about the Olympics being in china. My mom says its good. The more propaganda that makes the country look good, the faster referrals will come out when the olympics are over. The media (reporting from china of course) keep saying what a beautiful, clean (!?!?), wonderful country it is. Sure beijing could be all those things, yet no one seems to report on the polluted, over populated, communist, one child policy china.
Either way, anything to see the country again, even if its on tv for now, is okay with me.