September 3, 2007

one and only?

Jessy came home with me this weekend. We went to 2 barnes and nobles to get a good devotional for her. I was browsing through the dating and the relationship books, as i normally am, and i picked one up that caught my eye. I dont really remember the title of it, i knew i should have wrote it down but i was lazy and didnt. Anyway i opened it and glanced at the table of contents. I saw a chapter titles and one of them was something along the lines of "one and only"

I feel like a lot of girls especially in the christian circle wait for "the one" alot of people think there is ONE perfect person out there for them and they should wait for them. As much as i think about alot of anti dating things this guy made a lot of sense.

There is more then one perfect person out there for you. Think about it logically. There are over 6 billion people in the world today. If there was just ONE person out there for you, realistically what are the odds you even meet that person? What if they lived on the other side of the world, then you'd never meet them. There are thousands of people in the world that a person is compatable with.

its a very odd feeling to me when my views about something i've believed in so strongly are challenged or changed. Things are constantly changing, the way i think, the things i do, even recently the way i look. Nothing is ever the same. The only constant thing in life is change.

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