March 6, 2009

Spring break!

Its been a drastic change in weather from my last post. Today felt like summer! It was great. I love the smell of spring and summer. This week has been stressful to say the least. I had a midterm yesterday that was actually a lot easier then i thought, and i had a paper due thursday that thank god i finished earlier in the semester. i have some work to do over break and the semester is really going to pick up after i get back from break but im trying not to think about that yet.

In other news- my mom always says the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Today i went to my advisor (who just so happens to be one of my favorite professors, seriously shes like so cool) and i told her that i want to graduate on time and if there is anything i can do over the summer to speed that up. Since the social work department is still in the works, it keeps chaning a lot so they allow a lot of exceptions, which is good on my part. They are combinding Junior Pracice I & II for me over the summer, and they are letting me do Junior Practicum in the summer which is 45 hours of field work (which turns out to only be 3 hours a week in the summer) Since my aunt is a social worker im trying to see if i can do it with her, it would be so cool and fun! When i get this done i will offically be a SENIOR IN COLLEGE! I will be able to take senior seminar, and senior practicum. SO EXCITED. from here on out im going to be very busy. I have to take around 18 credits this summer, then around 20 credits in the fall to catch up. All the social work classes are scheduled to be on monday, wednesday, friday (MWF) so the way it looks is that my MWF are going to be nonstop back to back classes from 7:55 till 5:15 at night, then one night class at 6 on Tuesday, Thursday...which isnt bad i guess. I am motivated, and i want to do it to get out of school! Hopefully i wont fail anything so i can actually graduate. Now i am off to enjoy my spring break, FINALLY!

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