September 17, 2007


If there are 2 things i have been taught throughout my short amount of time on the earth is 1- dont compromise and 2- never lower your standards

Recently i have been thinking about if i am too picky or not. Is being too picky a good thing when it comes to the opposite sex? I've been asked a lot how do i know what i want in a guy, and how do i know if he is right for me without dating him, call it a 6th sense or whatever but i guess i just know.

For example, yesterday i was sitting at the dinner table with some friends and the topic of churchs came up. One person said he has never been outside an A/G church before, nor does he care to be. He kept saying that is a personal preference, but to me i wouldn't be able to date someone like that. To me, that comes across as spiritual ignorance. Is a little thing like that being too picky? I mean, i dont go to an A/G church so it would never even work out, but if that person is spiritually ignorant in that part of his life, what else could he be so close minded about?

I guess i just know what i want in a guy...i just have really high standards to meet. Looks like i'll be single for a while because there isnt one person here who meets my standards, and i'll never lower them for a dumb boy.

1 comment:

Remnant said...

A highbar is great thing to have, without it what would you be left with? Your standards are something that will pay off in the end. From someone in the same boat it's worth it now because it'll keep the strange and potentially stupid but still painful relationships and will give you time to become who you need to be as well as who he needs to become. If this doesn't make sense sorry I usually start with a good idea and it kind of just fiddles on the way to the metacarpals.

Don't lower the bar.