September 23, 2007

another year gone by

Well yesterday i turned 19. Do i feel different? no. Do i have more wisdom? maybe. It seems like every year that goes by, i look back to my last age and i say "What did i know then? I was just a kid!" Even this time last year i felt like a baby.
I cant believe this is my last year of being a teenager. Its crazy.

I feel like i repeat myself over and over in these things, but this week i learned how to stand up for myself! It feels really good.

My parents came up for my birthday this weekend. We went to the cheesecake factory. mmmm! It was so good. Then i saw rocco last night and that was really nice. Then today i went to a movie to see Across the Universe. It was kind of like Pink Floyd's the wall, but different. It was really awesome, i want to see it again. okay well im tired and i have to study.

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