September 30, 2007

Weddings! I love weddings, drinks all around

Well tonight another family member got married off. It was really really nice seeing all the old 'gang' again. I havent seen most of them since mikes wedding. Lately i've been talking to lots of old friends. Its weird when you stop talking to them, you dont really realize they are missing, but when you pick up the friendship again you realize how much you miss them. if you're really good friends, you pick up right where you left off.

anyway- its weird how things are changing. Family is leaving home and starting their own family. Jon and Cyndi are going to be in North Carolina, so i probably wont see them like ever. Jon had his own life during my teenage years, but he was really a big part of my childhood. Its weird that hes going to be gone again after he lived in scotch plains for so long. Its really weird that you never know or appreciate what you have until its gone, or moved.

Weddings are lovely. Bittersweet i guess some would say. Nice to celebrate love, but sad because for the single people, makes us realize we have a long way to go. But hey- there is lots of life to live for me before ever settling down. I'm kind of weird with that, my opinion of marriage fluctuates daily. Oh well! Back to reality tomorrow. Gotta go to school and take some exams, thennnnn fall break!! im so excited for it, i get to hang out with pat and julie, ANNND go to evangel for the first time in a longgggg time, hopefully i will see people from upper room, though its not upper room anymore, but i get to check out the new student ministry. i think that was the longest run on sentance in the world. My break isnt going to be much of a break cause i have 2 papers to write, but at least i'll be home.

okay sleepies =)

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