November 1, 2007

growing up too fast

Last week something weird happened. It was kind of like time stopped. Its hard to explain but it was like time stopped and i stepped outside of my self and looked in. I was like "whoa this is an adult now" Becoming an adult is like falling in love. Its a choice you have to make. It’s a way you handle and present yourself, the way you react to certain situations. I am not a kid anymore. I am responsible for myself . I look around me and see the people who im surrounded by everyday and most of the times I shake my head in disgust, asking myself if I was the same way last year. Then I wonder if next year I will be doing/saying the same thing about the year past. Its all a part of growing up I guess. Some people need to realize that they are not in high school anymore, as hard as it may feel because this school is so small and it does feel like a private Christian high school. We are not. The professors don’t care about how badly you did on your exam because you were out trick or treating the night before, or the excuses you made for not turning in homework on time, or the complaints you have about chapel. (If you have a problem with chapel, shut your mouth and do something about it instead of sitting there and whining) This is real life now, its adulthood. Welcome to the real world, it sucks…you’ll love it.

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