October 15, 2007

I dont wanna grow up, im a toys r us kid

Life was so much easier back then. Im really over this whole "being an adult" business. I dont want to make decisions anymore. Choices that can effect the rest of my life. I want my parents, or SOMEONE to do it for me. I told my mom today that i hate making huge decisions life this, and she said "this is the rest of your adult life" She said this is what life is all about. Making huge choices. When my mom was my age, she choose to get married, which is a HUGE decision when you are only 19. I can't imagine. I just dont handle decision making well. Though i have been discribed as a decisive person, i just fear huge decisions like this one because i over think everything to the point where i stress out and lose sleep and dont eat.

Its really never been this bad before. I mean nothing is definiate. There is nothing as of now that i can decide that i cant change. My mom says there are only 3 choices in life that you absolutly can not take back. A marriage, a crimincal record, and your virginity. Its quite profound really.

I just dont want to do this anymore. I dont want to live real life as an adult. I want to go back to being a kid and just stay that way for a while.

all i want to do right now is let out one big

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new header!