November 8, 2007

caution- may step on some toes.

I dont really know where any of this came from. I guess im tired of not knowing what i believe in. Im tired of christians not knowing what they believe in. "jesus saved me" okay...saved you from what? im tired of christians checking their brain at the door and following and worshiping jesus with emotions. i heard a phrase tonight that slightly offended me, but after a while of thinking about it, its 100% true. "mindless worshipers" Strictly emotion. 96% of the church services i attend are emotion driven and doesnt make me think much. Very seeker friendly, watered down gospel. Im tired of churches preaching watered down stuff. Give me truth. Give me something challenging and theologically sound.

I am tired or worship services that feel like Christian concerts, people jumping around, and weeping because the music is so intense, and not because they recognize the sovereignty of God. I read this article that compares modern day worship music with hymns that used to be sung. A good, pretty accurate comparison was that modern day worship music was meant for the pleasure of the person, where as hymns were meant for worship. If one looks at the lyrics of some of these 'worship' songs, you could question if they are really about Jesus, or about a significant other. Most songs now dont even mention Jesus, yet repeat the word "i" and "me" constantly over and over again. When did worship become about us? When are Christians going to start using their brain when it comes to church services?

article about worship

1 comment:

Sam said...

Ah, yes, "Jesus is my girlfriend/boyfriend" songs with embarrassingly simple verses, mindless repetition, and lyrics with as much theological depth as a a pothole. This post earned you a place on my blogroll over at it up!